It is with a deep sense of gratitude that each of you are remembered for your involvement and contribution in the different Good Shepherd services.  Through our efforts in living the values of compassion, integrity, respect, zeal, gratitude and bringing about reconciliation in our social, educational and pastoral services, we are being Good Shepherd to all whom we serve.

Since our beginnings, we have worked at growing in relevance and effectiveness as we respond to pressing issues of the day.  In recent years some of the problems have reached critical points. Abject poverty, human trafficking, forced migration, refugees, gender inequality, violence towards women and children, religious intolerance and care of the environment need the world’s urgent attention.

We can take heart in the knowledge that through our involvement in the different areas of mission, we as partners in mission, continue to make a positive difference and create ripple effects in our circles, our services, our families, our communities and in society.

Understandably there are moments when we feel that the problems of the world are too big to resolve and that they are beyond us.  It is at these times that we may need to take a step back and catch a breath.  Here is when we need to trust that we are each a sacred vessel where God our compassionate creator dwells; that despite our limitations, we each have been called to this mission for a significant purpose.  It is in moments like these that we can marvel at the fact that we have one another and together, drawing strength from each other,  we can accomplish much for those that we have been called to serve.

To our new mission partners, a warm welcome to you. Do get to know the Good Shepherd mission through purposeful conversations with those who have come before you.  To those who have been with us over the years, thank you for taking up co-responsibility for Good Shepherd mission.

Let’s take the opportunity to link into our updated Good Shepherd website to keep abreast of what is happening in the Province and beyond.  Also, do share your musings and significant stories of mission so that we can continue to inspire one another. Martha Teo, administrator of this website, is available for more information and may be contacted at

May we all be inspired by those whose shoulders we stand on, and may Saint Mary Euphrasia’s passion and audacity spark renewed zeal and courage in us to continue empowering lives, restoring rights and upholding dignity.


Joan Lopez, Province Leader